In the vast landscapes of Western Australia, Eamon Pascoe, a Graduate Environment Advisor at BHP, roams the terrains, safeguarding the delicate balance between nature and industry. His journey from the classrooms of Kent Street SHS to the mining fields exemplifies the transformative impact of CoRE's Learning Model.
Hands-On Learning: Bridging Theory with Reality
"With the vast majority of CORE staff and representatives either working in industry or having close ties, it is an amazing professional resource and network that not only provides mentorship and guidance but has helped a lot of people break into the industry or helped people take the next step."
Eamon's words echo CoRE's commitment to practical education. The CoRE Learning Model (CLM) immerses students in real-world scenarios, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential for thriving in dynamic industries like mining and resources.
Building Connections: Networking for Success
"Rather than learning from a textbook or reading a website, we were able to see the science in action. Going on field trips to active mines such as IGO’s Spotted Quoll and Flying Fox operations gave us an opportunity to get real insight into what we might expect if we were to work in the sector."
Eamon highlights CoRE's emphasis on experiential learning. By venturing into active mine sites and engaging with industry professionals, students gain firsthand insights into the complexities of the mining sector. CoRE's immersive approach not only enhances academic learning but also cultivates a deep appreciation for the practical applications of STEM within industry careers.
"It is rare to share a community with such a depth and breadth of experience, with people from all stages of careers and walks of life. From graduate roles all the way to corporate executives, there really are a number of very valuable people who support and deliver the CoRE Learning Model."
"It helps develop the skills required for a modern resources sector and the model really fosters people’s skills, interests and abilities and we were given a lot of freedom as students not only to learn and push ourselves but to make mistakes, analyse what went wrong and fix accordingly. A learning process like this actually reflects what is required in a dynamic mining career which is constantly changing no matter your company, commodity or career pathway."
Eamon's journey exemplifies the connection between education and industry. As CoRE expands its reach, empowering students with practical skills, it remains a beacon for STEM education's future. Through stories like Eamon's, CoRE's impact shapes futures and nurtures talent for generations.